Call for the next leaders of Australia’s Peak Body for Pharmacists
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is calling for nominations to PSA’s seven State and Territory Branches.
PSA is the peak body representing the 34,000 pharmacists who work across Australia. PSA is owned by and run for its members – but also importantly PSA is led by its members.
With 2021 being an election year for PSA, PSA is looking for leaders to make an impact by helping lead the profession as a PSA Branch Committee Member.
The role of the seven branches of the PSA (Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia/Northern Territory and Western Australia) is to assist the Society to achieve its Objects for Members.
The Branches have a very important purpose for the PSA, they are responsible for: appointing the Board of the PSA; providing input and advice on local policy issues affecting pharmacists; providing input on PSA products and services; and ensuring PSA is relevant and fighting for every pharmacist across every state and territory.
Branch committee positions are for a term of two years from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.
Nominations close 5pm AEDT on Friday 26 March. Full details and nomination forms are available on the PSA website from 26 February at http://www-dev/2021-branch-committee-elections
For more information about the 2021 PSA election nomination process, please contact PSA’s State or Territory Managers. For more information about the 2021 election itself, please contact the PSA Company Secretary at
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Media contact: PSA media 0487 922 176