
Professional Practice Standards

About the Standards

PSA’s Professional Practice Standards (PPS) articulate the values of the pharmacy profession and expected standards of professional behaviour of pharmacists towards individuals, the community and society. The PPS underpins the professional practice of all pharmacists in Australia.


The PPS undergoes periodic review to ensure it is consistent with the professional requirements of contemporary pharmacist practice, and reflects the expectations of Australian healthcare consumers.


PPS Version 5 was released in 2017, and has been endorsed by the Pharmacy Board of Australia.


PSA gratefully acknowledges the Australian Government Department of Health for providing funding for the review of the Professional Practice Standards (PPS) and development of the associated implementation tools as part of the PBS Access and Sustainability Package including the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement.


Structure of the Standards

The 16 Standards in PPS V5 have been restructured into four key streams – Foundations of Practice, Providing Therapeutic Goods, Providing Health Information and Delivering Professional Services – to clearly articulate the professional roles and activities that contemporary pharmacists undertake.

Implementation tools

A number of practice support tools will be released to support the implementation of PPS V5.


Case studies: Using PPS V5 in practice.


